Soon after my wife left, I had to ask myself, "Where do I go from here?" I had a home, a son (she left him, too), and a fu- ture of my own to consider. For years, I had been fighting myself, trying to adjust to what everyone told me was "normal," and had done a terrible job of it. But why couldn't I live my own life, now.? I have never been un- happy over the way that I felt, only unhappy over the pain I seemed to cause others because I did not fit into their pattern. The times I stopped my dressing were not by my choice, but ra- ther, were forced upon me by circumstances.
So, I sat down and had a long time with myself. "Donna"" wanted to come out of the closet and live a life of her own, too. I knew that there would be prob- lems but hoped that they could be worked out. Not knowing quite how to get started, I had a flash of inspiration! Why not see if my old friend, Transvestia, was still around? So I made a tour of the Chicago "magazine" shops, and managed to find a few copies. It seemed as though this magazine was a personal letter written to me, Everything that had happened to me all the hopes, the fears, the questions, the problems they were all there. Additional copies of Tvia, ordered from Chevalier, only served to reinforce my convic- tion that at long last I really had finally come "home." And, as an added bonus, I discovered a special organization, "just for me," where I could be under- stood and accepted as a person in my own right.
I immediately wrote Vir- ginia about joining the sorority, and in a short time, received word that I had been accepted. However, due to a change of cf- ficers in the local chapter, CHI, Virginia had lost touch and was
the group. What a disappoint- ment! Through the fall and win- ter I kept bugging Virginia about a contact with the chapter, but she was still unable to help me. Then, in the spring of 1973, I learned that Virginia would be coming to Chicago for some interview shows, on the way to a seminar at Indiana University. If nothing else, I was determined to meet her in person, and ar- ranged to meet her plane at the airport. What a step! The first transvestite I had ever met, and it had to be the national lea- der of the organization! But, Vir- ginia was most gracious and had a surprise for me. She had managed to contact CHI chapter; there was a meeting that very evening, and we were both in- vited. What a (pleasant) shock this was for me, for in the space of three short hours I had not only met my fist Tv, but about 30 more!! And, what a grand bunch of girls they were, making
me feel most welcome, and invit- ing me to join the chapter. I accepted, without a second thought.
The years since associating with CHI chapter have been most rewarding. Shortly after joining the chapter I was elected the Sec- retary/Treasurer (I was the only one who regularly remembered to bring a pencil!). In apprecia- tion of the debt I owed Virginia and my many friends in CHI chapter, I resolved to do the very best job that I could for both the Chapter and the organization at large. Our local group has had its ups-and-downs both with membership and personalities, but we survived and grew into a stable group whose presence has been made known in the Chicago area. In 1976 I was ap- pointed by Carol Beecroft as a Coordinator For The Society For Second Self. In '78 my responsi- bilities were further increased by being appointed Division Leader for the northeastern United States and the eastern provinces of Canada. I have been fortunate to have been able to attend DREAM on the Oregon coast in 1976 and 1978 and the first Society convention in in 1979, both which helped me to develop into a complete woman.
Who knows what the future will bring? I closed a chapter in my life and opened a new one with my decision to be myself! My "brother" and I will write the next chapters together, for better or for worse, instead of fighting each other. And, work- ing together for the first time, in- stead of each of us trying to stand alone, we think we will succeed!
The End
unable to put me in contact with